Where bloggers create beautiful, high-performing websites.
With our highly curated, time-saving tools for food bloggers and content creators, you can build a custom-rivaled site at a fraction of the cost, saving you hundreds on new themes every year.

Speed optimized | Accessibility Compliant | SEO-Approved
Options for every career level:
We don't believe in selling you something you don't need. Choose your experience level below to see what route we recommend.
Feast Starter
Just starting out and on a tight budget? The Feast Starter is the perfect solution for any brand new food blog that has less than 100 high quality posts, or is less than a year old (if this isn't you, get the full Feast Plugin).
Feast Plugin
Get our automation tools and curated block system— all in one easy-to-use plugin that saves you hundreds on developer fees while keeping you up to best practices.
This is the most popular setup when starting with Feast.
Elevate your branding with our designer-curated, accessibility-centric system for a custom look at a fraction of the cost! Easily change your design without touching code or without having to hire a designer or developer every time.
Not sure what you need?
Bake your cake from scratch, not your blog
If you're serious about making money blogging, you need to do things right from the start & you need one that meets Google requirements, is speed-optimized, and recommended by industry experts. With Feast, you can use the same foundation that bloggers making over $100k are using, at a fraction of the price.
Trusted by over 2000 bloggers
Since 2014, we've grown to 6,293+ active installations in 68+ countries worldwide.
What's the benefit of the Feast Plugin vs. other themes?
The Feast Plugin helps you set your site up to compete with the multi-million dollar recipe sites, putting you on equal footing in terms of SEO, accessibility and user experience.
No more outdated themes. The new block-focused features and functionality from the Feast Plugin is updated through your admin like any other plugin, which means no longer needing to dread having to update your theme.
As of August 2022 we've released over 1,700 updates that have not required a theme update.