There's some debate about whether recipes can be copyrighted, but generally, copying creative content (such as a post, or parts of one)
Note that recipes themselves can not be copyrighted:
For a full list of services + links see:
Order of operations
When someone is infringing on your copyright, it's important to FIRST have them removed from Google because it counts against their site quality, THEN DMCA their hosting company to have the webpage taken offline.
Issuing a DMCA
Issuing DMCA to Microsoft cloud hosted sites:
Does this duplicate content hurt me?
It might, and it might not. If you're a very new site with low authority, and the offending site is well established, there's a chance they'll outrank you. In this case, it's worth issuing a DMCA take-down notice.
If you're ranking above the site, then Google has properly identified your recipe as the original/official, and there's no need to worry. See:
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