The shortcode is outdated, and we do not recommend or support using it.
Use the FSCI block, in the block editor:
Old shortcode settings:
- categories="" - specify exactly which categories to display, using your category slugs - recommended
- show_title="no" - to disable the title output (for example, if the category name is in the image)
- list_class="feast-grid-third" - to change from the default one-fourth display. This controls both the mobile and desktop layout. Available displays are:
- feast-grid-half
- feast-grid-third
- feast-grid-fourth
- feast-grid fifth
- You can over-ride the desktop display by adding the desktop-specific classes. These classes need to go after the feast-grid-X class, and only affect the desktop output:
- feast-desktop-grid-half
- feast-desktop-grid-third
- feast-desktop-grid-fourth
- feast-desktop-grid-fifth
- feast-desktop-grid-sixth
- eg. list_class="feast-grid-third feast-desktop-grid-sixth"
- container_class="" - to add your own custom styling to the container with custom classes that you define in "Additional CSS"
- image_class="feast-image-round" - to add classes to the images, for styling. New image classes we have built in include:
- feast-image-round for round images
- feast-image-border for a single border
- feast-image-double-border for a double border
- feast-image-casablanca for monochrome
- image_size="" - this is not yet implemented but will come in a future update. Currently, all images display at the dimensions you upload at, so upload all squares that are 1200x1200 (1000x1000) minimum
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