After hitting a base number of comments (10), we recommend removing low quality comments from posts.
In this post, we'll simply refer to these as "worthless comments".
They don't help
Short, off-topic comments don't help you rank for your primary keyword, and they don't help your readers make your recipe.
Your site publishes what you decide to publish. UGC isn't something that randomly pops out of nowhere and sticks to your website. If you don't want your site to be associated with something that users add to your site, then take care of it (in whatever ways you want).
John Mueller, Google
They create unnecessary DOM nodes
Every element on a webpage contributes to its DOM count, which causes the browser to take longer to render the page.
This means that the worthless comments slow down your page, hurting your, while providing no benefit.
They get in the way of actual content
Good comments contribute to a high quality post. They can provide insight into what your readers find important, and allow readers to help each other out.
Imagine going to a grocery store to get eggs, and in order to get the eggs, you have to walk past an aisle filled with stacks of discarded cardboard boxes.
Why are they there? Well, some study said that making people spend more time in grocery stores makes them spend more, so some half-wit manager puts garbage in the way to slow you down, not realizing he's doing more harm than good.
Don't put garbage in your reader's way.
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