Welcome to the White Friday Unsale! Today only, you get to pay 50% extra for the same product.
Is this a joke?
Not at all.
Sign up for the Feast Plugin today and pay $373.50/year, instead of $249/year.
Why would anyone do this?
More important I think, is why would business price their products or services artificially higher for 364 days of the year? That's a terrible way to treat your customers.
And what about those customers who pay full price the rest of the year? Should they be punished for being reasonable, normal human beings?
We don't think so! Those people should be rewarded with lower pricing, not higher pricing.
That's why we sell our products at a reasonable price 364 days per year, and charge those Black Friday shoppers extra on White Friday!
What if I want to sign up?
We'll go back to normal pricing tomorrow.
So you're losing sales today?
And increasing sales the other 364 days of the year, because people know we actually respect them.