The "As seen in" template can be found in the Block editor > [+] > Patterns > Feast Footer Patterns > As seen in:

This can be used in the footer, though it will add DOM nodes to your entire site and may negatively impact pagespeed. You'll want to decide whether the trade-off is worth it for you.
We recommend using this on Contact or Work with me pages.
Placing this in the sidebar will negatively impact ad revenue and we advise against this.
Our supported (and strongly recommended) setup is to use 2 side-by-side images on desktop, which stack on mobile.
Each image may a collage of multiple logos built in an image tool like Canva.
The reason to do this instead of adding each logo individually is that each image creates multiple DOM nodes. DOM nodes create a burden for browsers and must be invdividually calculated and laid out.
Each image must also be downloaded independently by the browser, which takes more time. These images must then be sized and rendered by the browser, which takes more time.
Simply: adding too many images slows pagespeed. The majority of sites are operating at or above a failing threshold due to the sheer amount of content on posts.
In our opinion, secondary, support content such as "As seen in" must be optimized so that it doesn't create pagespeed issues that negatively impact the ability of the primary content (your recipe post) to rank.
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