All sites in 2021 and beyond should use the System Font setting in the Feast Plugin to override the theme fonts, which eliminates:
- font-related CLS
- pagespeed-related issues due to font downloads
- missing character issues with fraction conversions in certain fonts
- enhance user experience by using a default familiar, legible font used by all devices
You can now toggle this with 1 click in the Feast Plugin's Disable Google Fonts. This is recommended rather than messing with code.
In order to disable Google Fonts (eg. to comply with GDPR requirements), you'll need to add this to your code snippets plugin:
add_filter( 'foodie_pro_disable_google_fonts', '__return_true' );
add_filter( 'seasoned_pro_disable_google_fonts', '__return_true' );
add_filter( 'cravings_pro_disable_google_fonts', '__return_true' );
add_filter( 'brunch_pro_disable_google_fonts', '__return_true' );
Make sure to use the correct code for your theme.
This will bypass the loading of Google fonts, as well as speed up your website loading time.
Specifying standard fonts
You'll notice that your fonts have changed. You can customize the font by using inspect element (see tutorial) to identify the element, and applying the font-style property with one of the default fonts in the Appearances -> Customize -> Additional CSS tab.