The Feast Plugin Starter is the Feast Plugin with all options and settings locked to our recommendations, which reduces the amount of effort and complexity needed to launch a brand new food blog.
What this means: you can't change the Feast Plugin settings without upgrading.
It's the perfect solution for any brand new food blog that has less than 100 high quality posts, or is less than a year old (if this isn't you, get the full Feast Plugin).
It brings all the enhancements of the Feast Plugin that aren't available in classic themes, including:
- SEO enhancements
- pagespeed optimization
- improved accessibility compliance
- improved user experience
- the recipe post template
This is done through a fully updated:
- Modern Homepage
- Modern Sidebar
- Modern Footer
- Modern Menu
- Modern Recipe Index
- Modern Categories (excluding custom content)
Using blogger-friendly blocks such as the FSRI (Simple Recipe Index) and FSCI (Simple Category Index) blocks.
Say goodbye to difficult-to-configure widgets!
$97.00 / yearSign Up Now
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When starting a food blog, your only focus should be on writing 100 recipe posts that:
- are keyword researched
- have topically-focused content
- have high quality images (including process shots)
- have been thoroughly tested
Removing technical configurations means that you're able to focus on the only thing that matters (high quality recipes).
Reduced pricing
The Feast Plugin Starter is priced lower at $97/year instead of $249/year because the costs of supporting a single, well-tested configuration is much less than having to test every possible combination of settings.
Managed configurations
It's an open secret that nobody stays on top of updates because there's too much to do and too little time in a day.
With the Feast Plugin Starter, we automatically implement the settings that optimize your blogs performance based on feedback from other customers, as well as industry experts.
$97.00 / yearSign Up Now
Access to all 5 themes is included with the Feast Plugin Starter.
This is not compatible with any theme except our own.
We also don't support any ecommerce functionality and have a number of plugins/setups that we don't support.
The reason for this is that we've seen through thousands of blogs that these plugins and functionality are simply way too complex with no benefit.
The Feast Plugin Starter is a DIY install, following the tutorials. We do not install it for you as part of the base plugin.
If you don't have any existing content, the Starter Site White Glove will save you lots of time setting it up.
If you do have existing content and want us to install it for you, we have a paid Theme + Plugin Setup service.
An example of the type of thing that is automatically set and can't be disabled is the posts per page setting in the Feast Plugin.
In the Feast Plugin Starter, this is automatically enabled and can not be disabled. As a brand new blogger, chances are that you don't have the background knowledge to know how this impacts SEO, pagespeed, accessibility and user experience, and trying to manage it yourself would lead to a sub-optimal setup.
While this is something that can technically be disabled by the full Feast Plugin, we recommend everyone has it enabled.
Bonus: free blank site setup
With the Plugin Starter, we now offer a free pre-set-up site so that you save hours of following tutorials, and can get started blogging right away.
After purchasing the Feast Plugin Starter, you can initiate the Fresh Site White Glove service which is an exact clone of Grafted Pro
Note: the Fresh Site White Glove requires BigScoots Managed Hosting @ $35/month
This is not a migration. It is a fully blank site, except for the demo content (that should be deleted).
When you're ready to upgrade to the full Feast Plugin, simply purchase a subscription for it, then download the full Feast Plugin from your account.
Deactivate and delete the Feast Plugin Starter from the plugins admin page, and upload and activate the full Feast Plugin.
Everyone currently on the Feast Plugin has their own custom setup and combination of settings, and would most likely be frustrated by the locked down configuration.
We don't offer refunds. See the full no-refund policy here.
Unfortunately, no. It configures just the Feast Plugin.
However, some configurations in the Feast Plugin do control other parts of WordPress, Yoast and WP Rocket, in order to use pre-existing functionality and prevent conflicts.
We hope to expand on non-Feast settings we manage as time goes on.
No. Our setup is a small component of running a successful food blog.
First and foremost, your own education is the only deciding factor in your success. You have to learn how content sites work, how keyword research works, how to take high quality photographs and write high quality content.
This is a normal business like any other, and your growth as the business owner will determine how successful you are - nothing else. Your first 2-3 years will be a steep learning curve, but you'll never stop learning.
On top of that, you need a domain name, a self-hosted WordPress site (not on, a recipe card plugin, Yoast SEO and WP Rocket for pagespeed.
It's impossible for a single company to provide all this for you. Each individual component is incredibly complex and changing at a rapid pace, which is why specialized providers exist for hosting, SEO, pagespeed, etc.
The Feast Plugin Starter is designed for sites with less than 100 recipes, where categorization does not play a large role. It's more important to focus on creating your first 100 posts, which will define how your site will be categorized. Everyone who optimizes categories too early, ends up redoing everything once they have more content. Your focus is content, not categories.
If you need the custom content feature for the Modern Categories, you're ready to upgrade to the full version of the Feast Plugin.
$97.00 / yearSign Up Now