We're making a strong recommendation not to use the gallery block.
Instead, we recommend using the columns block to display images or content side-by-side.
Picture inside picture
For some reason, WordPress has decided to place

This creates potential styling issues when image-specific styling is wrapped around nested images.
The current interface is clunky and doesn't align well with other block elements. This may result in changes to the gallery block
Traci says
Hi Feast team! Do you recommend that we search and replace any previous galleries with columns? If so, what is the best way to find out where we have inserted galleries? Thanks so much!
Skylar says
Our recommendation is to use columns for process shots: https://feastdesignco.com/process-shots/
In general we find the galleries block to be poorly developed and overly complicated and would not recommend using it.
I personally feel that yes, it should be converted, but others might disagree. That's a decision you'll have to make for yourself.
This should be done as part of a general post update process and NOT just to update a post JUST to replace the galleries block: https://feastdesignco.com/recipe-update-checklist/