The Feast Plugin is compatible with the Kadence framework and themes. We automatically hide settings that are not available in Kadence in order to prevent conflicting functionality.
Nothing is automatically done when installing the Feast Plugin on Kadence - you get to go in and manually enable only the features you want!
When opting to use Kadence, support for the Feast Plugin is restricted to features specifically provided by the Feast Plugin, and we do not offer support for problems arising from Kadence settings.
Jump to:
What the Feast Plugin offers to Kadence
Sites using Kadence can benefit from the following:
- Remove the "website" field from the comments form on posts
- Remove the link from the author name
- Remove commenter avatars
- Process shortcodes on "Custom HTML" widgets
- Remove WordPress "Smart Quotes"
- Add Yoast Breadcrumbs
- Remove current page title from Breadcrumbs (recommended)
- Hide breadcrumbs on pages without a parent, such as about, contact and privacy policy pages (recommended)
- Add Recipe Index URL to Yoast breadcrumbs
- Remove Entry-Meta from posts
- Converts text to fractions, such as 1/4 to ¼ in posts (note: this may not work based on the font you choose)
- Convert recipe acronyms to full text
- Remove web stories from site search.
- Implement the "System Font Stack"
- Show group blocks in block editor
- Skip lazy loading the first post image (recommended).
- Display post IDs on the "All Posts" admin screen.
- Display featured images on the "All Posts" admin screen.
- Display alt text on the "Media Library" screen (list mode only).
- Remove "Fullscreen mode" editor default
- Add a "Patterns" option to the admin sidebar menu
- Redirect outdated "cat=-1" errors to the homepage
- Remove outdated admin dashboard widgets
- Disable WordPress tags
- Enable the Modern 404
- Enable the "Holidays"
- Scheduled Categories
The categories are fully controlled by Kadence.
- Set default post image size to "full".
- Set default post image align to "center".
- Set default post image link to "none"
The "Edit Post Info" is fully controlled via Kadence.
Advanced Jump to Links
- Set your own "Jump To" text
- Set a max height (in px) for the jump to
- Check the box to load the "jump to" as closed, by default
- Replace the recipe card h2 link with your own custom text
- Add a link to the comments
Modern Menu
The site menu is fully controlled by Kadence
Modern Thumbnails (Featured Images)
- Add square thumbnails (recommended)
- Add in-post thumbnails (recommended)
- Add portrait / vertical thumbnails (recommended)
- Add landscape / horizontal thumbnails (not recommended)
- Remove theme thumbnails (recommended)
- Default featured image size
Font sizes and colors are fully controlled by Kadence
- Edit "Leave a Reply"
- Move comment form above comments
- Modern Homepage
- Modern Recipe Index
- Modern Sidebar
The footer and menu are fully controlled by Kadence
- Open Comments on all posts
- Disable Pingbacks & Trackbacks on all posts
This list may evolve over time as things are added/removed/updated by Feast, Kadence, WordPress or third party plugins.
Why people use Kadence
Kadence has a number of customizations and layout options available that let people to customize their site in unique ways. This can be exciting for site owners who want their site to be uniquely styled to them.
However, these customizations may or may not comply with best practices for pagespeed, accessibility, mobile optimization or in some cases, user experience. If none of these are important to you, or you want to hire a custom developer to fix these problems for you, Kadence is an option.
Why you might not want to use Kadence
These issues with pagespeed, accessibility, mobile optimization and user experience have been solved in our default setup with Genesis.
This means that problems related to poorly designed or incomplete customizations available through Kadence are problems that you opt into supporting yourself when using Kadence.
If you use the customizer to change your Kadence theme, you've created a custom theme and you're responsible for supporting it as it's no longer our theme.
Not all customizer options are poorly designed or incomplete, but the extreme number of combinations and configurations is not something that we're able to support at $249/year.
Kadence uses the customizer to style and layout sites. There's a LOT of customization options in Kadence.
However, we're only able to support our specific version of the configurations as a preset "theme". Any customizations you make means that you've created a custom theme. Custom themes created through the customizer (or code snippets or custom CSS) are not supported by Feast.
Common issues
Problems relating to the Kadence setup/options they provide are not things that Feast can support. You'll need paid customization support from an advanced designer or developer for help with being compliant with SEO, pagespeed, accessibility or user experience requirements.
Issues that may arise due to using Kadence include:
- accessibility contrast errors
- unpredictable keyboard navigation
- poor default anchor text
- font size too small
- content wider than screen
- missing fractions
- layout and spacing issues
- failing core web vitals including:
- total blocking time (TBT)
- largest contentful paint (LCP)
- first contentful paint
- cumulative layout shift (CLS)
- interactive next paint
- time to first byte (TTFB)
- excessive DOM nodes
- Google Search Console issues such as:
- thin content
- crawlability issues
- layout wider than screen
- text too small
Not all of these issues will be present on all sites using Kadence, and what problems you experience will depend on which Kadence customizations/options you choose to use.
Kadence cost
Kadence themes from other companies promote themselves as being a "one-time fee", but this can be misleading. Updates and/or support often aren't included beyond the first year, which means you might end up paying yearly for ongoing support and updates.
We assume that this is unintentionally misleading by theme creators, rather than intentionally lying.
Warning about child themes
Kadence themes from Feast are built off of the Kadence parent theme, and do not use a child theme.
At this time, we do not sell independent Kadence child themes, and the Kadence themes are only available through the Feast Plugin.
The Feast Plugin and Feast+ are developed without relying on Genesis. The base themes and Genesis are used purely out of convenience for our users.
What's wrong with Genesis?
Nothing at all.
Genesis is stable, which means it doesn't break your site due to major updates and revisions and breaking backwards compatibility. This is extremely valuable to anybody that runs a content focused media business that needs to focus on content instead of re-inventing the wheel.
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