The Feast Post Display (FSRI) block is a block-editor component for building the Modern Homepage.It contains many of the same configuration/setting options as the shortcode, but in an easier-to-use, … [Read more...]
Rethinking the Newsletter
Annoying, right?Email signups are arguably one of the few assets a recipe site can own and develop, and as such, are a key part of running a food blog.However, current practices fall short in a number … [Read more...]
Black Foodies
Due to feedback from our customers that they'd like to connect with more black food blogs, we're putting together a list of recipe sites operated by black entrepeneurs.More than just sharing a post on … [Read more...]
Click Through Rates (CTR)
Ever wonder what a good click-through-rate is for your posts? Keep wondering.Google Search Console provides the ability to view CTR on a page level, and query level, and page-by-query level.The … [Read more...]
May Pagespeed Update
Google released the Lighthouse version 6 update about 2 weeks ago, and appears to have rolled it into the Pagespeed Insights tool on May 27th 2020.This update basically rewrites the tool, using brand … [Read more...]
Recipe Update Checklist
When you're updating posts, you want to be as thorough as possible to avoid having to re-edit multiple times. Remembering all of what needs to be done is impossible though - so we've created a Recipe … [Read more...]
Pruning comments
After hitting a base number of comments (10), we recommend removing low quality comments from posts.In this post, we'll simply refer to these as "worthless comments".Why?They don't helpShort, … [Read more...]
This page is a work in progress and represents the best of our current understanding at the time it is being viewed. It is not an authoritative document and not prescriptive.Keep in mind that: No … [Read more...]
Food Blogger Summit
Below is the presentation on page jumps from the Food Blogger Summit.The Feast Plugin saves time and offers a maintenance-free way to do this using the Advanced Jump To shortcode.Learn how to write … [Read more...]
This page always has the most up to date compatibility information for the Feast Plugin. We currently support:Note the distinction compatibility - compatibility means we've tested for it and support … [Read more...]
Full Width Modern Homepage
This is a transition guide to go from the Modern Homepage to a full-width Modern Homepage. To get the Modern Homepage set up, either follow the: Modern Homepage (complete guide)Simple Modern … [Read more...]
Our current recommend is not to use not supported by all major browsersis often a larger file size than properly optimized JPGtakes up additional disk space (1 webp per jpg, including … [Read more...]
Modern Recipe Index
The Modern Recipe Index is like a book index, showing the chapters (categories) of your site. It primarily uses the FSCI Block to display categories, with some room for displaying trending recipes … [Read more...]
2020 Roadmap
The Wordpress core is changing quickly, and we've been busy keeping on top of it. It's time to take a step back and provide some clarity on where things were, and where they're heading.Food blogging … [Read more...]
Food Blog Page Structure
On a very basic level, the pages on your site are broken into 4 major sections, each with different purposes:header (orange)content (blue)sidebar (green)footer (red)By contrast, the mobile site layout … [Read more...]
How to use WordPress Tags
Simple: Delete them.Current best practices for food blogs are to use your categories properly, and completely delete all tags.Categories and tags serve almost the same purpose, and require extensive … [Read more...]
Feast Plugin Setup
Note: if you run into issues or have questions that aren't answered here (or in the linked tutorials), please use the support ticket page in the Feast Plugin. Make sure to ask specific questions about … [Read more...]
Modern Footer
The Modern Footer replaces the theme footer, making it simpler to customize it using the block editor. Footer Themes Plugin Relies on outdated widgets✔x Requires creating complicated … [Read more...]
Modern Homepage Styling Guide
One of the primary goals of moving to the Modern Homepage was to break way from the widgets and into the block editor, so that it could be modified in almost any way you can imagine.Please, whatever … [Read more...]
Image Optimization
Images are an essential part of recipe posts and can have far-ranging impacts on user experience, site-speed, SEO and accessibility.Pre-upload optimizationImages should be optimized before uploading … [Read more...]
Simple Modern Homepage
Many of you expressed concerns about being overwhelmed by the volume of changes for the Modern Homepage, and you weren't wrong. We rolled multiple updates that could have been spread out:this was the … [Read more...]
Google Webmaster Conference (2019)
Google finally released the presentations from the Webmaster Conference in 2019! There was so much great information that I wish I had been able to share when I left.You get a much different … [Read more...]
This document should serve as a current guideline for how we approach design and layout. Generally we consider the following breakpoints:Mobile: 420px and underTablet: 421px - 1199pxDesktop: 1200px … [Read more...]
FSRI Shortcode
Do not use the FSRI shortcode, as it's outdated and no longer supported. We only support the FSRI block moving forward.The FSRI (Feast Simple Recipe Index) shortcode is the replacement for the … [Read more...]
Modern Homepage Showcase
After converting to the Modern Homepage, you can also apply a number of different homepage styles to better match your branding.Check out the Full Width Modern Homepage for additional … [Read more...]
Modern Homepage vs. Theme Homepage
Check out the Modern Homepage Showcase for examples of sites that have made the transition.The Feast Plugin is designed to allow us to release frequent, minor updates to functionality as best … [Read more...]
Setup Search Console Access
We may require access to your Google Search Console in some situations to troubleshoot issues, or perform certain tasks. VideoInstructionsTo grant us access:Go to Google Search ConsoleMake sure the … [Read more...]
Modern Previous + Next
The previous + next feature built into the themes was designed for a time when blogs were blogs - chronological lists of posts.But this is 2022, and blogs are dead. Modern "food blogs" require proper … [Read more...]
Why we don't recommend minifying
In our recommended WP Rocket settings, we don't recommend minifying HTML or CSS or Javascript.Why?"Minification" is basically removing all the human-readable-but-unnecessary-for-machines white spaces … [Read more...]
Image file size vs. pagespeed
We don't actually recommend uploading images larger than 1200px, but made a point of using oversized images below to take this to the extreme as a demonstration.There's some commonly circulating … [Read more...]
How thumbnails work
This post uses examples from the Modern Thumbnails of the Feast Plugin.You may also be interested in checking out the more general image optimization guide.Here's a brief breakdown of how thumbnails … [Read more...]
Modern post image sizes
Background: See rethinking the featured images and rethinking thumbnails.See the updated image optimization guide.Note: this was originally part of the modern thumbnail sizes, but was split out to … [Read more...]
The customizer allows changing certain parts of a theme or plugin, changing your site from our prebuilt theme to your own custom theme. Using the customizer breaks our theme setup that is designed to … [Read more...]
Troubleshooting Featured Images
Featured images can be varying sizes for a number of reasons, including:Images too smallThe most common cause of inconsistent image sizes is that they're being uploaded too small.Make sure you're … [Read more...]
Modern Thumbnails (Featured Images)
The Modern Thumbnails are better sized for the theme content width, and allow you to change themes without worrying about images being incorrectly sized.IMPORTANT: thumbnails are generated from the … [Read more...]
Protected: Economics of a theme business
This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password: … [Read more...]
Understanding "penalties"
One thing we're becoming more vocal about in 2020 is the fact that running an outdated theme isn't just "not optimal", it's actively working against you.We recommend signing up for the Feast Plugin so … [Read more...]
How to use emojis in headings to boost your click through rates
Emojis can be used in the Advanced Jump To Links.In November 2019 at the Google Webmaster Conference one of the speakers discussed how it took a team at Google an entire year to incorporate emojis … [Read more...]
Gallery block
We're making a strong recommendation not to use the gallery block.Instead, we recommend using the columns block to display images or content side-by-side.Picture inside pictureFor some reason, … [Read more...]
Modern guidelines for page headings
The Feast Plugin's Advanced Jump To Links is a powerful tool in the hands of the right person, but can also make your recipe pages ugly and worse for visitors if misused.Here are some modern … [Read more...]
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