Note: we highly recommend setting up the Modern Recipe Index using the Feast Plugin instead.
- First you'll want to create a new page by going to Pages -> Add New.
- In the page editor, type in your page name and then select "Recipe Index" from the Template drop-down in the Page Attributes section. Once you hit publish, you will get the following notice: "The normal editor is disabled because you're using a widgeted page template. You need to use widgets to edit this page."
- Now scroll down to the Layout Settings and select the Secondary Sidebar/Content layout:
- Now you can navigate to Appearance -> Widgets and start adding your widgets to this page.
Secondary Sidebar Configuration
- In your dashboard navigate to Appearance -> Widgets and find the Secondary Sidebar widget area.
- Drag and drop the Categories widget (found in the Available Widgets area) into the Secondary Sidebar widget area and type ‘Filter by Category' in the Title field. Click save.
- Drag and drop the Archives widget (found in the Available Widgets area) into the Secondary Sidebar widget area and check the box next to ‘Display as Dropdown.' Click save.
- Drag and drop the Search widget (found in the Available Widgets area) into the Secondary Sidebar widget area and type ‘Search' in the Title field. Click save.
Recipe Index Widget Area
Use the Brunch Pro Featured Posts widget to display your recent posts by category. Add a new widget for each category that you want to display. This index will support up to 100 posts for each category.
You will see that we've also added in styling for the Genesis eNews Extended widget in the Recipe Index widget area. The Genesis eNews Extended widget is used to set up your newsletter opt-in. This plugin is designed to be used with a newsletter service such as Mailchimp, Aweber, Mailpoet, or any of the other popular newsletter services.
You can Google "Genesis eNews Extended + whatever service you choose" and there are bound to be some tutorials and videos to guide you in getting that set up.
Here's the plugin info page where you can read about installation and get support: